
July 18, 2022

What is your foundation built upon?

Your core beliefs, ethics, values, and moral compass. These foundations are what we build our entire lives upon, the fundamentals of who we are. Our tower of Success is built upon our foundation within our subconscious. It is at the core of who we are, what drives our choices, and inevitably the outcome of our lives. So, we better make sure that our foundation is solid! What kind of infrastructure are you building?

No more Digging!

So many of us come from broken homes. Our foundations are built on shaky ground and quicksand. So fragile that we tare other people down to build ourselves up. Negative and false belief systems flood our minds and cause us to make poor choices and serious life mistakes. When we lay our foundations upon shallow things and thoughts instead of solid ideals, we find ourselves entrenched in depression and hatred. We talk about building solid foundations but, are fed false information and don’t know where to turn for authentic genuine help. Help that won’t cost us our house, that foundation also.

With the problems surmounting, we end up burying our emotions deep down within us at the base of our infrastructure, at our foundations. It creates emotional triggers for us and a ticking time bomb that can crumble your entire structure if the trigger is large enough. I am no stranger to this state of being and know the damage and pain this foundation causes. I also know the other side of this state of being because I was tired of the destruction and feeling this way, and I put the effort, willpower, and hard work into flipping my life right side up. I no longer dig; I build.

What to build foundations on?

So, what are solid foundations built upon? Do you want to lose a piece of yourself every time you lie or are lied to? Do you want to have your core shaken every time you don’t receive the response and validation you were looking for? Stop chasing building blocks for yourself from the other side of your world, from the exterior. Start building a solid structure for yourself from within. A foundation built on truth, integrity, loyalty, love and courage to yourself. Add to these values, add what resonates true to you and not the opposite of your core, so your tower of Success never crumbles again! Foundations are hard to destroy, they are rooted deep and cemented into us and we’re all trying to build something strong and secure out of our lives.  One must dig deep and vigorously to uproot the foundation of something. Our beliefs, our desires and our animal instincts.

Love yourself?

Loving yourself is the foundation of knowing yourself. It comes first above all else. The saying you can only make another happy if you are happy yourself goes the same for love. You cannot love another until you truly love yourself. So, cultivate that love for yourself, sincerely and earnestly. Respect and love yourself, and don’t worry about vanity or the ego. The ego dissipates on its own with absolute love and respect for yourself. The ego is there to separate you from your authentic and higher self and know that the higher self loves itself immensely! So, cultivate self-love above all else! Get selfish for a while, It’s Okay! Get comfortable with yourself, look at yourself in the mirror every morning, and tell yourself how amazing you are, and say “I love you to the moon and back”! This is the beginning of building the immovable and unstoppable foundation you deserve.

A reminder...

Don't allow your foundation to be filled with arrogance. Educate yourself and learn different ways to rebuild and heal yourself. We bury our emotions and traumas and build over them. When triggered, they shatter your foundation, make us not think clearly, and act like children. We need to face, feel, process, and release these emotions, so they don't damage us progressively in our lives. Take out the negative beliefs and put in positive ones. We need to be brave in our stand, our stand against ourselves. In building our happiness, joy, and our tower of Success, be brave and strong when building your inner pyramids because the massive stones are heavy to lift. Don't be afraid to ask someone for assistance in rebuilding yourself, to help you settle things into place as the dust settles. Don't be frightened to tear down what you initially built to rebuild something magnificent and unique that will withstand the test of time and nature's wear and tear.

Let the light grow you!

We need to find positive and natural solutions, the temporary quick fixes that mask the problems just don't cut it anymore. Not a band-aid over the wound… I know NASA uses duct tape, and its strong. However, we need to fix and repair these wounds at the foundation of it all, so our roots heal and grow stronger from everything we've learned and commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the healing process for ourselves and the planet. Only then shall we truly thrive! We believe we are thriving now but, are only slowly killing ourselves with our unsustainable and unhealthy habits! The change needs to happen sooner than later the word of the day is yesterday; we learn from yesterday, start the process yesterday, and clean up yesterday! Our junk collecting and eating days are over! It's time to grow up and think green! It's hulk time…. the intelligent one! The darkness has had its time, and now the pendulum sways back… into the light we go! Only the light makes things grow back again; it's time to grow, grow, grow!

Grow your tower of Success to the moon and back. You will have confrontations and arguments with friends, family, and colleagues as you grow, and that's okay. It's all about how we build stronger relationships and foundations with each other that matter. These arguments and disagreements are so we can have more peaceful and understanding conversations in the years to come. As we build stronger foundations for ourselves, we inevitably develop stronger foundations with each other. With stronger foundations with each other, we inevitably build diplomatic communication, peace, and unity. It all begins at our foundation. If our foundation is strong, then the foundation of the world is strong. Be like the pussy willow…flexible and always letting its catkins shed in the turbulent winds but never being uprooted because of its solid foundation. I look forward to witnessing your Magnificent, Incredible, and awe-inspiring tower of Success which is you.

From the light,

Peter Smurfit

Festina Lente-Hasten Slowly

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