
August 19, 2022

Most of us are walking around numb.

to our feelings and so entrenched in our pains and traumas that we don’t even realize we are in need of healing. Healing is a word that is programmed in our minds for us to only believe it’s for people that have the flu, everything in between, and cancer.  I used to believe I was just fine over here carrying around my day-to-day baggage of anxiety, depression, anger, fear, hate, pain, suffering and all the etc. etc. etc., the things that weren’t even clear to me or even I knew about. It just seemed so normal that everyone had to carry this load around with us, I just had to be a man and suck it up…. bull-crap! Starting your healing journey is a choice, a choice that we need to make before we hit rock bottom. It can’t be forced upon us by others but, anyone who has recovered from an addiction knows that being forced into rehab by loved ones will always inevitably end in relapse because the choice needs to be ours. We need to have OUR minds say, “it’s time, I’m going to do this”! The choice is ours because we need to be strong.  We know the road won’t be easy but, we decide to walk it vigilantly, willingly, and courageously. Time to take the skeletons and demons out of the closet and shine the disco lights in all the dark corners of your mind, heart, and life because it’s time to Tango with them.

One cannot heal himself or wash away his wrong doings without making a clear and conscious choice of their intentions to make a full and extreme effort to fully heal. There is no half-assing the healing process. You can’t only just half heal yourself because like a cancer it will begin to grow back and vibrate again at any trigger and pain caused within your life. You need to pull all of your negative beliefs and wounds out from the roots and wash them away with love and pure intention. You need to just start the healing process; this is the only way things will get better for you. Stop expending your energy and thoughts on others and start putting your energy and thoughts back into yourself. If you are not where you want to be, start focusing your energy and attention into yourself. Do not worry or focus about anyone else except yourself. You are the one that matters most. You! Once you start giving yourself the attention and love you deserve you will begin to receive everything in this world that you deserve. Direct your energy into you for now and not into others.

How do we even Begin?

How do we even begin this process? Well, you just dive head on in and deal with the first thing that surfaces. Many of us don’t even realize we have all this trauma to heal because we’ve buried it so deep down and numbed ourselves so deeply that we believe we are perfectly fine. So, if you have troubles with addictions, self-worth, anxiety, fear, anger, depression, hatred, and pessimism. Just maybe, maybe you have some healing to do. We trap these emotions inside of us when traumatic experiences happen to us, and we don’t even realize it. So, when something happens that touches upon this trauma trapped inside of us, we become triggered, like a ticking time bomb, we lose all control of our self-control and come loose. Just in this knowledge alone, next time you become triggered you can look inside of yourself and trace it back to the trapped emotion and LET IT GO! It’s all about letting things go that don’t serve your best interest.

Energy Never Dies… It Only Changes Form

The power of transmutation.  In the understanding that we have the power to change or transmute energy and thoughts into something new is extremely powerful. We can take a negative thought, trace it back to its source and then transmute the negative into a positive and thus making the experience one of healing. Turning this knowledge into wisdom for our future well-being. We always need to keep moving and evolving. Our transformation unfolds the next phases of our lives and metamorphosis. Always transcend where you are, always keep reaching for the stars, and always check yourself before you wreck yourself. Self-awareness…knowing thyself is the key to avoiding so many pitfalls in life and hurting the ones we love. We must enjoy the process and enjoy the journey.

Do you know how much sex, drugs, alcohol, and partying they all did in the Wolf of Wall Street combined? Just fathom it…this is how much love, healing, and empowerment I want to spread in my brokerage of love and health. We’re not selling junk bonds; we’re promoting love bonds.

Love thyself is at the core of a strong and healthy mind

So, begin to cultivate this within yourself. Switch off the pessimism and turn on the optimism mindset. Look up and see the beauty of the world and tell your body that you are proud to be you. Speak highly about yourself and others. Stop all the negative talk and self-doubt about yourself. Begin with these few steps and you will have begun your healing journey. There is no right or wrong way to heal yourself and create the perfect life for yourself, just a determined attitude is all you need.

We need to align ourselves with what’s right and un-align ourselves with the destruction of ourselves. Begin to design your life around your needs, not your wants, and face the different challenges life brings to your doorstep with an encouraging attitude towards sustainability and health for yourself and the planet. Find new solutions, rise above, and spread the word of love like wildfire. Live a meaningful, driven, prestigious, and productive life and try to separate yourself from the deafening noise of discouragement, hate, and destruction. Don’t have inauthentic and counterproductive values and truly believe that your story matters to the evolution of our species. Realign ourselves with the deepest and strongest of humanities sacred values, meanings, and ideas. Provide opportunities for each-other, elevate, and empower one another. Push each-other to strive for greatness and dissolve the pettiness and greed within us that drives the destruction of our world. Have confidence in your willpower to strive above and beyond your limiting belief systems. Cultivate and take the initiative to trust in the process of healing. If we do this and go “all in” with this dedication, humanity will become untouchable and stupendous, with no more physiological barriers impeding our forward progress. Our fan base will consist of all the beings of the universe, and we will become the universal civilization model to follow! So, stop following and begin to lead your life into a healthy, grandiose, indescribable, heavenly lifestyle for all of us to share and care for in together! We are all connected!

Much Love,

Peter Smurfit

Festina Lente-Hasten Slowly

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