Imagination and Inspiration

February 24, 2023
Imagination and Inspiration


Our Imagination is what Fuels the Cosmos

Our imagination is what captures the wonder in the world. It sees the creativity of the universe, embraces it, and interprets the incredible fascination of it all.  Our imaginations are what propel us forward not only personally but, as a society. It inspires us to constantly be innovating, experimenting, creating, building, exploring and advancing. It is one of our greatest gifts. It allows us to entertain ourselves in such imaginative and creative ways. From storytelling to adventure seeking, from creative expressions to arduously keeping busy, and from building magnificent structures to inventing life changing technologies. No other creature on this planet can create and express themselves in so many different ways as skillfully and artfully as we do through our imagination which is not bound by matter or physical laws. We have limitless potential at our disposal because of our imaginative minds. Without your imagination there is no creation, so visualize everything you want to achieve, create, and become and manifest your dreams into reality. Allow it to be the inspiration that drives you forward and fuels your productivity and innovation, propels your ideas and goals; and is the building block of your dreams. We can achieve anything we truly put our mind and energy towards. So believe in yourself and follow your dreams. Create a vast empire for yourself solely fueled by your imagination. You can achieve anything the naysayers say you can’t. Your imagination will always find a way to bring your vision into reality.

There are only nay sayers until someone with enough imagination makes it possible.

In 1959 Charles H. Duell from the patent office said, “whatever that can be invented has been invented”.  Implying that nothing new can possibly be created but, look how far we’ve come. So let your imagination be the spark of creation that brings illumination into this world. Use your creativity and imagination to shape not only your world but, the world around you and allow it to inspire us all. With the lack of imagination, we selfishly look for ways to accomplish our goals and divide ourselves from one another. Find and integrate ways to bring unity into our world for we are only limited to our limited belief systems because there are no limits to where your imagination can go. Don’t allow your imagination to be buried within the depths of a cold and dark space. The man who has no imagination has no wings. (Muhammed Ali)

The limits of reality are within your imagination

Your beautiful mind that houses your imagination is an unimaginable gift. So open up your gift and give yourself the greatest present you’ve ever received, the full potential of your opened mind, right now in the present.  Our mind houses so much potential and power. When used properly it can propel us into new heights and dimensions that we never even knew were possible.  The sky is the limit and our imaginations can bring us anywhere. Tap into its full potential and your life will brighten up immensely. The imagination is free to roam wherever it pleases,  your freedom of “what is” and “what isn’t” is entirely up to you. I’ve seen free men in prison, and imprisoned men in the wilderness. So free your mind and unlock those windows of inspiration and fly as high as you possibly can.

We often don’t use our imagination correctly.

We imagine fear, loss, and worst-case scenarios that work against us. Fear is the ultimate factor in anyone's suffering. It begins with fear and then the imagination of the mind begins to invent a million stories in order to make you suffer. Within your suffering you make others suffer also in the attempts to alleviate your suffering.  It is a vicious circle that you can avoid by not allowing the fear in. 99.9% of the time our imagined bad scenarios don’t come true and we’ve wasted all that creative time being destructive and self sabotaging. Crank up the creation and inspire yourself to see the equanimity and optimism. Our minds that house our imaginations are in perpetual motion and the creativity that creates our reality needs to be harnessed and fully embraced by us. We sometimes loose track of ourselves and our thoughts and it leads us astray. Focus your intentions into growth, ingenuity, and progress. Use your genius and imagination to create not only a beautiful reality for yourself but, for others too. Take your imagination to new heights and allow your creative perspective to soar like an eagle. Heal, grow, and imagine beautiful and great things for yourself. This is the way.

"There is a vision for my life that is greater than my imagination can hold"                                                                                                                                    -Oprah Winfrey

Vision is so much more than sight. Our vision is how our mind translates our experiences and the world around us. It is the aperture that our mind creates our reality and future. Through our choices and imagination our vision is what propels us forward towards our purpose and happiness. Don’t blink too fast as you may miss it. Life is short and gives us the opportunity to cultivate and create everything our heart desires. When we truly embrace this concept we create meaning, purpose, and joy for ourselves. We begin to explore the vast amount of information, the places around the world, and the visions within our imagination. We see that our mind is a projector of our thoughts and if we begin to be respectful and aware of our conscious choices we no longer fall victim to failure and dissolution. We let the armor go and begin to take risks in the state of beneficial faith in ourselves. In the realization of your sense of completion each and every-time you succeed you begin to wake up from the sandman’s slumber. The cliches fade away and clarity forms. You become unrestricted in understanding the drastic revolution of your evolution into the formless. You appreciate the story you were made for and begin to fulfill and adore your journey. How can we ever resist the journey of ourselves ever again and hold ourselves accountable and never dishonor ourselves again. The enthusiasm in the practicality of how to serve ourselves, others, and the world encompasses us because we finally see clearly and set ourselves free.

Stop Measuring and Comparing

A creative measure isn’t a measure of your talent, skill, or intelligence. It is the extent of how far we can creatively go. Our creative measures are only bound to the limits of how we choose to measure and compare ourselves to others. Without our limiting measurement systems we self impose on ourselves we our boundless to the limitlessness of our imaginations. Our creativity is not bound to the metric system, ego, or ideas of lack. Who makes the rules? You make the rules… so stop measuring yourself to anyone or any scale. Size and rules do not matter within the realm of your happiness and imagination, so throw away the ruler.  If anything, it is a measure of how much you are choosing to block and limit yourself! Have no fear of how far you can actually go when you stop measuring! For you are a limitless creator.

Creation is the boundless expression of your imagination and love.

It is the absolute everything of the world around you because of your incredible connection to everything. Unlocking the door to your imagination allows your creativity to flow for each and everyone of us. When we do this we see that the the world is filled with magic and we open up our hearts and minds to it. The world is beautiful! It is so full of beauty and it is up to us to fully capture it within our imaginations. The only reason one may see it as ugly and broken is because that their heart and perception has been broken. Help rebuild the fractured perceptions of the broken and bring back the light into their hearts. Pessimism, skepticism, and hatred are the killers of the magic, happiness, and childlike glee. So we must constantly be inspiring each-other. Whether it’s inspiring one to follow their dreams or inspiring another to pick themselves back up. The creative source of all our inspiration comes from our imagination, the world around us, and each-other.

Keep Your Head in the Clouds…Here’s a bit of my Imagination!

Everything is in the iCloud. All our stored information, pictures, and stories. So allow your mind to be in the clouds sometimes, that’s where imagination, dreams, and great ideas are born! That is where everything truly is stored but, don’t store your story for to long because we are all looking forward to witnessing it. Release the Dragon within you!

Dragons have captured the hearts and imaginations of man since the dawn of time.

Incredible magical and mystical creatures that usually are the protector of some immensely valuable treasure. A mythical treasure that’s so grand and important that it is guarded vigilantly by this powerful, majestic and mythical being. The dragon sitting in his realm must be fascinated by human beings also. Sitting in his home thinking to himself how lucky those mythical, majestic, and magical human beings are able to be mortal and forget, have free will and be free, and have such powerful minds and hearts at their disposal. Surrounded by love and beauty constantly and cherished by all who know them, and deeply loved by their families. Then the dragon says, “I’m getting a tattoo of a human, they are so cool and powerful!” It’s all a matter of perspective! You are the Treasure…

Peter Smurfit

Festina Lente-Hasten Slowly

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