Light versus Darkness

July 18, 2022
Light and Dark

Two sides of the same coin!

The light and the dark are just two sides of the same coin. One does not exist without the other. Though there are huge fundamental differences between light and darkness. The light gives and the dark takes, the light empowers, the dark disempowers, the light energizes, and the dark siphons; if you want to stand alone in hatred, then choose the dark; if you're going to stand together in unity and love, then select the light. The light embodies creation while the darkness embraces destruction. The balance between the light and the dark is balanced perfectly and harmoniously. This law cannot be broken; energy, frequency, and vibration exist in all things, whether high or low. They do not exist without each other, as you do not exist without them. In the acceptance of all this, you bring balance and harmony into your own life. Nothing is without; trust in it, and so shall its trust in you. Awareness of all this can give you the tools and empower you to set yourself free. The choice is always ours because of our free will. Though the darkness will always try to manipulate and trick you…because only with deceit can it conquer you. For you are born of love.

Creation only fills your heart with love.

so, destroy the things within you that do not serve your evolution and creativity, this is the only time you should flip the coin. Creation and Destruction, once again, are two sides of the same coin just like the light and the darkness, one does not exist without the other! Learn to harness both and become omniscient. Balance in all things brings harmony. If we are not expanding, we are contracting just like our heart does 144,000 times a day. Some can dive deeper than others and others stay content in the familiarity of what is. Our growth and evolution depend solely on our willingness to do so. Change can be difficult at times but, in knowing that change is the only permanence in the Universe, you can knowingly nestle yourself out of your nest and plunge into the great depths of expansiveness.  True courage is to face the darkness within and not allow its familiarity to become our comfort zone. The darkness will try to consume you but, all we need to do is allow a little bit of our light to shine through and allow creation to embrace us again. Remember it only takes one star to brighten up the dark universe, it takes one candle to spark up a dark room, and one firework to get the party started. This light is within, find it because you are this spark. The radiant spark of your soul! Let it shine brighter than the North Star and allow it to guide you home because the dimensions of ourselves are only as expansive as the depths we are willing to perceive ourselves from.

You can always change your ways.

There’s a saying, “I’d rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.” Interestingly, anyone who has known the darkness knows there is never any peace in hell, nor any peace of mind. There will always be someone above you, and there will always be someone coming for your seat below you. There is no ruling in hell, only defending your position. So, enjoy being on your tippy-toes and always watching your back just for your little piece of hell you want to rule because you shall always serve the devil. You shall always be his puppet. You do his bidding no matter what you believe. At least in heaven, we help each other, which in turn gives us eternal peace, and with this infinite knowledge, we are in service to each other; we walk anywhere treated with the respect of Kings and Queens, and we all rule heaven together. No one pulls our strings nor wants to pull another’s leg… free will reigns here. He who believes he rules in the darkness is the biggest jester in the court of hell. You can always change your ways…. Lord Vader…. I am your father…. come back to the light side!Remember, the darkness is temporary and tricks you for a short burst of fun, but your soul is eternal! So don’t give up your eternity for a few joy rides with your soul.‍

From the light,

Peter Smurfit

Festina Lente-Hasten Slowly

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