Mind, Body, Spirit

February 24, 2023
Mind Body Spirit

The Mind and The Heart

A lot of us are searching for the gateway to paradise when we don’t even realize that the gateway lays within our mind just waiting to be unlocked.

You have infinite potential but, somewhere along the line we started to believe the dissociative information that was being fed to us. We started to listen more to the external instead of the internal and it fractured us from our truth. For something to have any affect on you, you first have to believe it. So start believing in yourself and your boundless potential. Start unblocking all those self imposed blockages, unlocking all those locked doors, and unleash yourself from your self imposed restraints. Only your mind and heart can decide something, and once it has been decided the power of your will is imposed and unleashed upon reality. It’s time to unleash your boundless potential once again!

The simple fact of the matter is our thoughts create our reality. Our mind is the projector of our thoughts. If you believe you are happy, you will be happy. If you focus on your worries, then you will be unhappy. What you think, you become.  It is what your mind thinks that you perceive. Perceive a world of beautiful things and progress then you will be surrounded by beauty and innovation. Perceive a world of chaos and uncertainty then you will be plagued by fear and pessimism. Your belief is very powerful. You are what you think and it is what you think! So BELIEVE in your incredible potential to create a magnificent life for yourself and others.

Don’t allow the word (unrealistic) to define your mind. It is REALISTIC to achieve your goals, it is REALISTIC to experience incredible events

A lot of us have allowed the preconception of trauma to invade our minds. So before an event even happens we are riddled with fear expecting the worse to happen. We preconceive horrible things within our subconscious and this fear alone does just as much damage as an actual event. The body and subconscious cannot tell the difference between what is  real and what is a trick of the mind. So we experience the pain and the trauma all the same. So be careful how you preconceive things because you can conceive trauma within your psyche that never even truly happened to you. Try to adopt an optimistic attitude over the pessimism.  Don’t allow the intrusive thoughts to take over and consume your mindset. Anything that nags and is a constant in your mind is obstructive, it obstructs the possibility of inner peace. Calm the mind and let go of anything obsessive.

Our minds can be a funny place though. It can play tricks on us and can even deceive us sometimes when our perceptions are skewered. The heart never lies though. When you are in tune with your heart you are in tune with everything. The heart is part of your spirit. It is part of everything that is and ever will be. Follow your heart and never be led astray again .When you find balance between your heart and mind you unlock an incredible power within you. So unlock your heart and allow it to open up the full potential and power of your mind.

A well ordered mind does not worry, does not stress, and does not complain. Their life is well ordered, is simple, and happy because the mind has made things simple and happy. Start to let go of the things that no longer serve you and begin to bring order to your life and mind.

Clear the mind and life becomes calm, clutter the mind and it becomes chaotic!

Freedom begins to come when you begin to release the things that are bogging you down and no longer serve you. When you begin to let go, you begin to feel light as a feather and are able to float in the flow of things. Going wherever the wind may take you in the full knowledge that you are safe and will achieve whatever you put your cleared mind to. Freedom is the release of your shackles that you bound yourself in. Freedom is clear….

With freedom we are happy and we reach out, explore, and expand. We interact with the many and we explore everything the world has to offer without apprehension. We absorb everything life has to offer and expand our horizons beyond our usual borders. Though when we hurt and are sad we seek refuge in the comfort of our own bubble. Our sorrow turns us inwards and we self reflect upon the deep wounds that need tending. Deep within our minds we restructure our subconscious beliefs and learn from our mistakes giving us more depth and wisdom. So in our happiness we expand and in our sorrow we gain depth forever adding to the adventure of our growth constantly.

The power of the mind and heart are remarkable if you just believe. There are so many negative influences in the world telling you that “you can’t”, change your programming to “I can.”

The mind above all else is just a tool to use and manifest our reality. Use it wisely and your thoughts should harm none. It is but a tool and not above the spirit, so cultivate mind, body and spirit. Just the simple fact of switching your mindset to a mindset of belief and “I can” is so powerful. So get rid of the pessimistic attitude and implement the optimism. Pessimism is so 2020-2021, so get over it. Out with the old and in with the new you. …Out of site, out of mind. So do yourself a huge favor and put the things you don’t want in your life as far away from you as possible. This type of foresight will do wonders for your mind. Just Believe!

When you begin to release all of your worrying and stressing over the little things in life you begin to let go of your shackles. Your conditioning begins to dissipate and you begin to find your freedom.

When you’re close minded there’s very little room to operate. Like a genie in the bottle cramped and shackled to obey his master and beliefs. Don’t allow the darkness within the bottle to cramp your style! When you open your mind you become free to explore the countless possibilities of the universe. Open to anything, anything becomes possible.  Not shackled and limited to granting only three wishes , you become free with boundless gifts and wishes to give and receive. Like an unshackled genie you become one of the most powerful beings in the universe with enough wishes to go around. Finally living in an abundance and giving mindset.


Your body is your temple, so treat it with the upmost respect, care, admiration, and love. When your body is healthy you are functioning at peak performance. So, take care of your temple with proper diet, exercise, and care.

There are invisible influences that surround us every day that cannot be noticed or detected by our five senses.  The suns rays carry nutrients and vitamins to us that are absorbed through our skin. There are also harmful radiations that the sun emits that can be harmful to our bodies. There are two sides to each coin, pros and cons. The energies, frequencies, and vibrations that we do not take notice to in our daily lives affect us non the less of our lack of perception to them. We have the knowledge of the concept of the invisible force called “chi” that is all around and within us. Learn to harness these invisible forces through eastern philosophies and practices such as qi gong, thai chi, and meditations. Once harnessed by your body, you strengthen your temple. You add an extra layer of depth to your perception and begin to influence the environment around you.

Find the perfect balance between protection and openness. Know yourself well enough to know what influences your mood and energy. Know the effects your surrounding environment, energies, and people have on your mind, body, and spirit. Once you master this balance you will truly find your inner peace and bring that peace to all those around you as well.

Sometimes we think we are invincible but, when your body begins to tell you something listen to it. Be mindful of how fragile and resilient you are!

Perpetual motion is our natural state, we are constantly in vibration. Our physical body is constantly moving. All our atoms and particles are vibrating at an incredible rate constantly. We are also suspended on earth traveling at thousands of miles an hour through the vast universe. Our natural state is motion.

In this realization you understand that the final frontier of exploration is always exactly where you are at any given moment. Right here in the present moment you are discovering new things and experiencing something you have never experienced before. On the threshold of new discoveries with every nano second that passes. Your body is the enterprise that houses your spirit on the final frontier of the universe always rediscovering new ways to enjoy and entertain yourself in this vast epic adventure of eternity that is your story and life.


Energy can neither be created or destroyed

When the epiphany hits you and is no longer a flickering star in the distance but, the whole body of light within you. A reverence comes over you and you realize it isn’t just a trick of the mind. The nightingales sing and the roosters crow, for you realize all your aspirations will come true because of the beauty of the cultural renaissance that is occurring right now on our planet and within you. You see clearly that the earth is a living library, a cosmic library for the cosmos. A place we come to learn and teach the essences of the cosmos. With this you capture the essence of your own life and never allow it to fall off the pages of your story ever again. For you realize your story is too important to the library of the universe.

We all know that we are not going to live forever this lifetime and understand we are not timeless. Though with each waking experience, each lesson learned, and all the knowledge absorbed we begin to expand our consciousness. We understand that through this expansion we are greater than just our minds and bodies. Embrace your spirit and connect to the limitless possibilities that you are. You are not timeless but, forever expansive.

Peter Smurfit

Festina Lente-Hasten Slowly

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