The Beginning

July 18, 2022

We all have to start somewhere!

Although, many of us have so many ideas and dreams in our minds that we don't even know where to begin. Who, what, where, why, how, and when? So many questions and not enough answers to how to begin and create our master plan. Constantly derailed, not enough time, and pulled in a million directions to keep our heads above water. Some of us are held back by our fear-induced minds; others believe their work is not good enough due to the perfectionist mindset, which prevents them from sharing anything. This was me, and I even had the negative belief system of "if I don't start, then how can I fail." Well, I had failed before even getting started, so foolish! Everything started falling into place with every step taken, every puzzle piece found and positioned, all the encouraging and loving words from friends and family, and most importantly, a belief and dedication in myself and my dreams. Everything began to get more manageable, and a once just a dream became something of a reality.

Taking the plunge

So here I am, taking the plunge, learning as I go. I don't have all the answers, but now I am a dedicated seeker and doer. Born anew from the ashes like a Phoenix with a renewed youthful vigor for knowledge and experience. Emerging from the cleansing fires of self-discovery, I burn brighter to be a beacon of light for all to find their way out of the darkness. Into the unknown, I go with the willingness to enjoy the journey wherever it may take me. Taking the leap of faith into the natural flow of the raging river of the universe and just allowing it to carry me exactly where I need to be, filling my heart, mind, and life with love, inspiration, and joy! Yes, there will be bumps along the way as I hit obstacles or try to cling to things, I believe are keeping my head above water, but I'll let go of what no longer serves me and enjoy the ride, smile, laugh, and feel the pure bliss of the joy and pain! Truly Living, Letting Go, and Getting in the Flow!

The beauty of our reality

In dealing with the tribulations of addiction, depression, and crawling out of the darkness with sheer will, determination, willpower, and strength, I opened my mind and heart to the beauty of our reality. I want to heal the world and help people out of their darkness also. Inspire them and give them motivation and direction. I want to help usher in the golden age of humanity with my life experience, philosophy, inspiration, empowerment, wisdom, and those of my amazing family and friends. It is time for me to give back and pay it forward for all the kindnesses humanity has shown me in my dark times. Without this worlds beautiful, kind, loving people and my friends and family, I wouldn't be here today. Our creed! Honor, Integrity, Love, Family, Respect, Loyalty, Honesty, Harmony, Unity, Balance, Creativity, and Innovation. Festina Lente (Hasten Slowly). Be noble to each other and answer the call when called upon! These are the values that have been lost somewhere along the line. It's time to reintegrate some of the good old traditions, let go of the new bad ones, and keep all the good we have learned and know that work. The time for Trial and error is over; it's the era of implementation and change. The time for a golden age is upon us! We have all the tools and infrastructure at our disposal. Let's start using them for the right reasons and channel our energy into each other's well-being and good.

The keyhole becomes the key!

We live in a system that ingrains failure within our minds. Makes us believe that there has to be losers to have winners, but this is not true. This is a system created by selfish people who lack the capacity to share and care. Imagine a world where everyone who puts their blood, sweat, and tears into what they truly love doing every day is not suppressed, constantly fed fear and negativity, and is given every opportunity to creatively innovate and share with the world on the same platform. Just imagine how Grand, beautiful, and innovative our civilization would be. It is human nature to want to be a part of something and have a purpose. So let us unite and give everybody the chance to be a part of the greatest civilization ever built…Humanity on planet earth. I invite you to join me on this miraculous path of self develop and heal with me! The keyhole becomes the key! The question becomes the answer! While searching, we are found! In being, we become! By walking the path, we become the path. This is the way!

From the light,

Peter Smurfit

Festina Lente-Hasten Slowly

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